Friday, February 26, 2010

Could It Be????

Could we really be DONE with diapers?

As much as I hate to admit it…someone is growing up. Last week we told Natalie that when the diapers were gone, we were not going to buy anymore. We got down to one diaper, so that morning when she woke up I took her potty and said that she was going to wear panties from now on. She looked in the basket where we keep the diapers and said, “But look Mommy, there is still one diaper left!” Ahh, the blessings of a very articulate child :) Nevertheless, she put the panties on and has done pretty well. She wakes up completely dry every morning! During the day we have to keep reminding her to go, or else we end up with wet pants – but it’s a hard adjustment after 3+ yrs of just peeing wherever and whenever you feel like it!



The ramblings of a stay at home mom who has way too much time on her hands. Although my house could use a good cleaning...nah, this is more fun!!