Tuesday, August 18, 2009


My 2 biggest girls went off to Kindergarten today! They were excited and a little nervous too. Abbie went to preschool for 2 years, so she was quite a bit more excited than Adelle. Adelle is a mommy’s girl through and through :) I fixed them a yummy breakfast, got them dressed in their new clothes, and we went out to wait for the bus. As we waited Adelle grew more and more clingy, but when the bus came she climbed on without any tears (that I could see anyway!). I am so proud of my big girls! I am so excited to pick them up and hear all about their day!

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Does this picture tell you how she was feeling? Poor girl!girlsschoolblog10


Abbie and Adelle,

I love you girls! This is a giant step into “big kid” land :) You will have so much fun in Kindergarten – learning new things, meeting new friends, and going on big adventures. I pray that the start of your school career is a good one, and helps you get excited about your education. You two are amazing girls and will do very big things one day. Your Daddy and I are proud to call you our daughters. 

Love, Mama

The ramblings of a stay at home mom who has way too much time on her hands. Although my house could use a good cleaning...nah, this is more fun!!