Thursday, May 7, 2009




Thank you so much to my (at first) blog friend and now IRL (in real life) friend Pam over at You're Gonna Miss This for giving me this award.

I am to list 7 things that make me Awe-Summm and then pass the award on to 7 bloggers I love. Make sure to tag the recipients and let them know they have won! Also link back to the Queen that tagged me.

Hmm...can I do it? Let's see...

#1. What could make me more awe-summ than the fact that Jesus loves me? I mean, come on :)

#2. My girls are, most of the time, very polite and well-behaved. I like to think it is because of me. Maybe?

#3. I can take a pretty good picture of just about anything.

#4. My cooking skills leave nothing only a little bit to be desired.

#5. I have an awe-summ mom and dad and 2 awe-summ younger brothers. Oh, and 2 awe-summ sisters-in-law and 1, soon to be 2, awe-summ nephews. With all of the awe-summness around, how could I not be?!

#6. I have really great friends who support me and help me to be the wife and mother God desires.

#7. I'm stuck...want to leave me a comment and give me a 7th one? Thanks!!!

And now I'm tagging the following people:

Joy @ Smiling's My Favorite

Jennifer @ My Charming Kids (yeah, I know she'll never see it, but I really think she is awesome!!!)

Anne @ Lowe Live With Five

Brit @ Chambers Family Adoption

Rachel @ Instantly Mama

Jen @ Home... Hands Full, HEARTS Full, Quiver Full!

Carrie @ Llama Drama!


Okay Ladies, why are You awe-summm????


And just because a post without a picture is boring, here ya go!

Kenya 087 Daniel O., my main man from the AGC Baby Center in Kenya. Love this little guy!

The ramblings of a stay at home mom who has way too much time on her hands. Although my house could use a good cleaning...nah, this is more fun!!