Thank you so much to my (at first) blog friend and now IRL (in real life) friend Pam over at You're Gonna Miss This for giving me this award.
I am to list 7 things that make me Awe-Summm and then pass the award on to 7 bloggers I love. Make sure to tag the recipients and let them know they have won! Also link back to the Queen that tagged me.
Hmm...can I do it? Let's see...
#1. What could make me more awe-summ than the fact that Jesus loves me? I mean, come on :)
#2. My girls are, most of the time, very polite and well-behaved. I like to think it is because of me. Maybe?
#3. I can take a pretty good picture of just about anything.
#4. My cooking skills leave nothing only a little bit to be desired.
#5. I have an awe-summ mom and dad and 2 awe-summ younger brothers. Oh, and 2 awe-summ sisters-in-law and 1, soon to be 2, awe-summ nephews. With all of the awe-summness around, how could I not be?!
#6. I have really great friends who support me and help me to be the wife and mother God desires.
#7. I'm stuck...want to leave me a comment and give me a 7th one? Thanks!!!
And now I'm tagging the following people:
Joy @ Smiling's My Favorite
Jennifer @ My Charming Kids (yeah, I know she'll never see it, but I really think she is awesome!!!)
Anne @ Lowe Live With Five
Brit @ Chambers Family Adoption
Rachel @ Instantly Mama
Jen @ Home... Hands Full, HEARTS Full, Quiver Full!
Carrie @ Llama Drama!
Okay Ladies, why are You awe-summm????
And just because a post without a picture is boring, here ya go!
Daniel O., my main man from the AGC Baby Center in Kenya. Love this little guy!