Since we took Natalie’s crib down last year, we have been looking for an inexpensive twin size mattress. We had been unsuccessful during the garage sale season, and she continued to sleep on her crib mattress. Made no difference to her, it’s all she had known. But it made my mama heart sad to see her sleeping on an uncomfortable, very firm crib mattress! So last week I posted on Face*book that we were looking for one. It wasn’t very long and a friend of mine commented that they had one they were ready to give away. Wahoo! So we picked it up tonight and Miss Nat couldn’t be more proud. And I will rest easier tonight knowing that she is comfortable. Possibly more comfortable than me…it’s a really nice mattress!
The ramblings of a stay at home mom who has way too much time on her hands. Although my house could use a good cleaning...nah, this is more fun!!